6 Ways to Build Resilience

Updated on Jan 18, 22 ・ by Yen Ng ・ 6mins read ・ 🌐 中文

Build Resilience

In the previous blog, we shared what resilience is, and used a lyric from the local classic song "knowing that things change constantly, change is eternal" to tell the core of this new normal: change. Through the six letters of the word "C-H-A-N-G-E", we will share six ways to build resilience.


Developing resilience is like learning a new language. The good news is that languages can be learned, we just need to spend time to get to know, get used to and become proficient. When we are proficient in this new language (resilience), we can use it when needed.


C=Care of yourself

A positive lifestyle helps strengthen our physical and mental functions, adapt to stress and reduce the impact of negative emotions.

  • Let the body have proper nutrition, enough water, adequate sleep and regular exercise

  • Have a good workload and time management, set and maintain boundaries, so that you can temporarily put down work and relax after work

  • Doing some spiritual exercises regularly, such as mindfulness and meditation can help us build a connection with ourselves and restore hope

Care of Your Physical and Mental Health

H =Hopeful thought

The way we think not only affects our feelings, but also directly affects our ability to respond in the face of difficulties. Establishing balanced, realistic and optimistic thinking can strengthen our resilience.

  • Identify irrational thoughts and put aside worries and fears. Visualize what you want, which helps achieve your expectations

  • By reviewing difficult experiences, discovering our own resilience, turning past experiences into tips for facing obstacles in the future and building self-confidence

  • Letting go of things we can no longer influence and focusing on what may happen helps us manage our emotions


A =Awareness of yourself

Studies have shown that whether a person can give full play to his personal strengths and practice his value at work has a lot to do with personal happiness, performance and sense of belonging.

  • Explore your own personality, values, strengths, motivators and behaviour style through some professional assessments, which will help you understand yourself, give full play to your strengths and practice your self-worth

  • Find a suitable job or adjust your current job to better suit your strengths and values

  • Find your purpose and passion from your work, and strengthen the bonding with the company and team, which will help you improve your work performance, sense of belonging and happiness


N = Networking

Being in adversity can easily make people feel lost, lonely and helpless. Build your support network, so that you can get support and practical help in difficult times.

  • Have at least two trustworthy and empathetic friends. They can let you know that you are not alone when you encounter difficulties and provide support when you need it

  • Look for people you trust, get feedback, support and suggestions in life or work from them, so that you can increase your awareness of your own situation

  • Join a group, civic or religious group with similar values to you, which can provide support when you encounter difficulties and help you regain hope

Networking and Friendship

G = Goal setting

To quote a classic bible saying: “Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark". Set goals for your life and move towards them.

  • Set realistic goals of different scales. Do something on a regular basis to move you towards the goal you want to achieve

  • While focusing on the set goal and working hard to achieve it, we will unconsciously develop different skills and positive attitudes, such as time management, can-do attitude, self-confidence and motivation, etc.

  • Helping others or participating in some voluntary activities, allowing you to gain a sense of purpose, self-worth and build a connection with others


E = Embracing change

"Change" is an inevitable part of life. Try to accept change, learn to solve problems and embrace change actively.

  • Learning to actively accept the things that cannot be changed, helps us focus on the things that can be changed

  • Actively learn how to solve problems. When we are used to proactively solving problems, this drives us to be more motivated and purposeful even in difficult periods, thereby increasing the possibility of standing up again

  • If the problem is too complicated to be solved, we can split it to the extent that it can be handled and solve it one by one



An internationally renowned leadership expert, speaker and writer John C. Maxwell once said: "You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” This is also the secret to mastering a new language or building resilience.


There are many ways to cultivate resilience. Knowing your own personality and finding a method that suits your style and situation will do more with less. We encourage you to find friends to learn and practice together, so that you can encourage and support each other.


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