7 strategies to motivate corporate learners? (1/2)

Oct 5, 21 ・ by Keith Wu ・ 4mins read ‧ 🌐 中文

In today's era of rapid development of digital and technology, employee training and development programs have become more important to the company's success. Through these programs, employees can improve their skills and attitudes, help the team to increase productivity, improve performance and achieve business agility. It can also help companies to reduce staff turnover and enhance company culture.


Many companies understand the importance of training and are willing to invest in their employees, but they have not achieved expected results. Why? The key is whether employees are motivated to participate and learn. When employees find the training is boring, the content does not respond to their work needs, or fails to solve the problems they face, employees are often unwilling to invest time or actively participate. Therefore, it is very important for companies to understand how to motivate corporate learners to participate in training and development.


In this article, we will share three effective strategies to help you successfully motivate employees to participate in learning and development. We will share the remaining four strategies in our next article.

Motivate Corporate Learners

Strategy 1: Involve them in planning

Corporate learners have a certain understanding of self-needs. Let them participate in the development of training content and provide opinions, which will effectively enhance their participation in the training. Analyze the performance goals with employees, ask them what problems they are trying to solve or how to improve, and then formulate the training needed to help them complete their work better. Such participation can make employees feel that the training is related to them.


Strategy 2: Practical and work-related

Corporate learners tend to learn topics that have direct relevance and influence on their work or personal life, so the best way to motivate employees to participate in training is to make the training content practical and relevant. When they start to practice what they have learned in the workplace and see how their performance improves, employees will understand the benefits of training. Then, they will be more willing to engage in the next learning.


Strategy 3: Regard training as a priority for the company

When companies value training and put it first, the management team often encourages employees to actively participate and attend on time. This excellent corporate culture that encourages learning not only effectively allows employees to focus on learning during the training, but also promotes the team’s learning atmosphere.


On the other hand, companies can also provide employees with training rewards, such as certificates, public recognition or extra holidays, which can motivate corporate learners who value returns, rewards and recognition to actively set training goals and participate in training.


We will share the remaining four strategies for motivating corporate learners to engage in learning next week.


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7 strategies to motivate corporate learners? (2/2)


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